


【がん研セミナー(11月19日)のお知らせ「DNA supercoiling in genome integrity – more than a challenge? 」Camilla Björkegren博士(Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden)】




演題:DNA supercoiling in genome integrity – more than a challenge?  


演者:Camilla Björkegren博士(Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden)


抄録:It is a well-known fact that the double helical nature of DNA represents a challenge to chromosome duplication and gene expression. For the genetic code to be read by DNA- and RNA polymerases, the two strands of the helix has to be pried apart, and this changes the helical twist of the surrounding DNA. When this change reaches a certain level, the DNA folds on itself, creating a supercoil. The helix will become over-twisted and positively supercoiled in front of polymerases, while under-twisted and negatively supercoiled behind the transcription machinery. If not removed by topoisomerases, which act by creating transient nicks in DNA, supercoils will stall replication and transcription. Thus, DNA supercoiling represents both a direct and indirect threat to genome integrity. However, our investigation of the so-called Smc5/6 protein complex opens for the possibility that supercoils also have a positive function in genome maintenance. The lecture will include an introduction to supercoiling, DNA topoisomerases and SMC complexes, and present results from our investigations of the Smc5/6 complex.


日時:2018年 11月 19日(月) 15:00〜16:00




連絡先:広田 亨(内線5251)



