Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research

15Cancer Chemotherapy CenterInnovating effective and risk-free anti-cancer drugs and treatments“Cure of cancer with drugs” is the final goal of our challenging research. Toward this end, our research projects are currently focused on areas of metastasis, drug-resistance, and stem-like properties of cancer cells. Cancer cells carry various abnormalities in multiple genes and are thereby driven to unlimited growth. Recent strategy for “molecular targeted drugs,” which are innovative anti-cancer drugs, involves nding gene abnormalities which are critical for cancer cells followed by developing drugs that overcome the abnormalities. This strategy has been used for successfully developing new anti-cancer drugs in recent years. The efficacy of the drugs on patients, however, is limited. We are therefore currently challenging to solve those issues through cancer chemotherapy, practically focusing on the prevention of cancer cell metastasis, mechanistic understanding of acquired drug-resistance in patients, and characterization of cancer stem cells particularly in relation to the responsible genes and telomere properties of cancer cells.  The Cancer Chemotherapy Center was established in 1973 and has been playing a central role in promotion of cancer chemotherapy in Japan. We continue efforts on 1) Drug-screening service with cancer cell panel, 2) Organizing annually the JFCR-International Symposium on Cancer Chemotherapy, 3) Holding periodical meetings of the Anti-tumor Drug Development Forum, and 4) Supporting the secretariat activity for the Japanese Association for Molecular Target Therapy of Cancer.‘’Mitsuaki Yoshida, Ph.DCenter DirectorThe Cancer Chemotherapy Center performs translational research to cure cancer with drugs. We continue to undertake our translational research to link basic research and clinical research as a private, non-governmental medical organization.


