Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research

13Together with the clinical departments in the Cancer Institute Hospital, we aim to improve our diagnostic expertise to indicate the best chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy protocols through a collaboration called the Ganken Genome Project. We are also trying to predict malignant potential by using histological, molecular-biological, and genomic methods as well as long-term follow-up studies of precancerous lesions and early stage cancers. Genetic alteration is one of the major causes of cancer development, and growing numbers of mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes have been identified. We explore the functions of these genes using genetically modied mice as well as in vitro. Mice bearing gene mutations can be used as animal models for human cancer and thus enable us to evaluate the potential of chemotherapeutic agents.Loss or gain of chromosomes is associated with many cancer cells. We aim to understand how chromosomes condense, achieve bipolar spindle attachments, and how cohesion is subsequently dissolved to allow sister chromatid separation. Elucidating these processes should provide an insight into the mechanisms underlying chromosome instability in cancer cells.It has emerged that cellular senescence serves as a safeguard that prevents inappropriate cell proliferation. Our research goal is to understand the signaling pathways that induce cellular senescence in vivo and to elucidate how these pathways are perturbed in cancer cells. ●Division of Pathology●Division of Cell Biology●Division of Experimental Pathology●Division of Cancer BiologyResearch ProjectsProbing expression of the tumor suppressor p16 protein during aging (Real time imaging analysis of live animals).Cells pass their genome as they divide.Setting the stage for chromosome segregation in prophase nuclei (Sister chromatids are labeled differentially by green and red uorophores).Chromosomal translocations or inversions may give rise to generation of oncogenic fusion genes, such as KIF5B-RET.


