The Awardee of the 2002 Prince Hitachi Prize for Comparative Oncology
"Studies on Comparative Oncology -Developmental Biology, especially on the Mechanism of Organogenesis"
Professor Dr. Makoto Asashima
Professor of Developmental Biology
Department of Life Sciences
The University of Tokyo
Outline of Personal History
Dr. Asashima was born in Sado, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, on September 6, 1944, and attended elementary, junior high school, and senior high school there. During the 18 years before graduating from senior high school, he grew up in an unfettered atmosphere surrounded by the natural environment of Sado and developed a deep insight into nature. In 1967, he completed the undergraduate zoology course in the Department of Science, Tokyo University of Education, and around that time, he became interested in developmental biology, especially in research on the organizer conducted by Spemann et al. He entered the postgraduate course of zoology at the Department of Science, Tokyo University, but by then the study of organizers at the university had been discontinued, and it was not included in the options available to this new student. Dr. Asashima completed the postgraduate course, but his desire to pursue the study of embryonic induction never waned. In 1972, he contacted Prof. Tiedemann at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Free University of Berlin, Germany, and after being formally accepted as a researcher, attempted to purify mesodermal differentiation inducing factors from chicken embryos. In 1974, he was recruited as an associate professor at Yokohama City University, and in 1985 he assumed the office of professor. Throughout this period, he continued studying the eggs and embryos of amphibians. During subsequent field surveys of newts he found that the prevalence of papillomas in newts showed seasonal variations (high in autumn and low in spring), and that it also differed among districts. In 1990, he was the first to identify activin A (isolated and purified from the supernatant of cultures of cells derived from human leukemic cells) as the organizer reported by Spemann et al. Dr. Asashima went on to produce various organs from undifferentiated cells in vitro as a means of elucidating the molecular mechanism of organogenesis. In 1993, he assumed the office of professor of the college of arts and sciences at the University of Tokyo. In 1995, Dr. Asashima was appointed Adviser to the President of the University of Tokyo, and from 1999 to 2000 he served as a member of the Council of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Tokyo. Dr. Asashima was awarded the Prize of the Zoological Society of Japan in 1990, the Siebold Prize from the German government in 1994, the Japan Academy Imperial Prize in 2001, and the Purple Ribbon Medal from the Japanese government in 2001.
Research achievement
The studies conducted by Dr. Makoto Asashima pertain to cell proliferation and differentiation in Amphibia and can be divided into two categories.
The first category consists of studies of amphibian tumors from the standpoint of natural history. Through collection and field surveys of newts in various districts of Japan, Dr. Asashima discovered a seasonal variation in the prevalence of papillomas on newt skin. Their prevalence was quite high in autumn, but hardly any newts with papillomas were seen in the spring. He then conducted an experiment in which newts with papillomas were reared at a water temperature of 10-12˚C (equivalent to natural water temperature in the autumn), and in that experiment papillomas grew over time. By contrast, when they reared at a water temperature of 4˚C (equivalent to the temperature in winter; the low-temperature group) or 30˚C (equivalent to summer; the high-temperature group), the papillomas went into remission. Histological examination revealed that the course of proliferation and remission of the papillomas differed markedly between different temperature groups. In the low-temperature group, the papillomas remained almost unchanged for the first 2 months, but decreased sharply in size thereafter. In the high-temperature group, on the other hand, marked exfoliation occurred, and the cell desquamation (including papilloma cells) was accompanied by loss of viability of many cells. Since newts are poikilotherms and can endure considerable changes in temperature, they show promise of being a good animal model for research on the relationship between the effect of temperature on cancer cells and the mechanism of the papilloma remission. The regional incidence of papilloma in newts differs greatly in Japan. It is high in the Tohoku district and the areas along the Sea of Japan, but lower in the Kyushu and Shikoku districts and the areas along the Pacific Ocean. This is in contrast to the pattern of distribution of HTLV in Japan. In addition, Dr. Asashima demonstrated that papillomas are caused by herpesvirus. Exposure to ultraviolet rays markedly reduces the size of the papillomas. Dr. Asashima discovered 14 new types of amphibian tumors: 4 types (including gastric tumors) in newts, 6 (including sarcomas) in Xenopus, and 4 in salamanders. He incubated one of the new tumors, a sarcoma found in Xenopus, and developed 4 new cell lines from it. One of the lines formed a nidus, and cell line XTY, which has marked tumor-forming potential, was established from it. Dr. Asashima also discovered a new herpesvirus involved in oncogenesis in Xenopus.
The second category of studies conducted by Dr. Asashima is related to the discovery of a differentiation-inducing factor in the supernatant of human tumor cell cultures. Dr. Asashima sought organizers with differentiation-inducing potential by treating the undifferentiated blastular cells of newts and frogs with various test substances. He investigated about 200 human cell culture supernatants and found high mesodermal differentiation-inducing activity in K-562 cells derived from human leukemic cells. He purified the active factor and found that its amino acid sequence was identical to that of activin A. During the approximately 60 years since Spemann discovered an organizer in 1924, investigators all over the world had sought to identify the substance central to tissue organization, and it was Dr. Asashima who first showed that the substance is activin A. Following this finding, molecular biologists rushed into the field of cell proliferation and differentiation in embryo induction. In the midst of this trend, Dr. Asashima exposed undifferentiated cells to activin, retinoic acid, etc., and succeeded in inducing 14 organs or tissues, including not only muscle and spinal cord, but pronephros, beating heart, hormone-secreting pancreas, and sense organs, such as eyes and ears. Through the development of these unique systems, he elucidated the previously unknown mechanisms of organogenesis and gene expression one after another. For example, in regard to pronephros formation, he cloned and analyzed not only transcription factors (XSMP30, Xsal-3, etc.), but 12 new oncogenes as well. He also cloned and analyzed antivin and XSIP, which control activin, a factor known to be involved in thyroid and blood cell cancers. In addition, Dr. Asashima has also conducted gene cloning and analysis of new factors in the Wnt signaling system known to be related to cancer cells, thereby contributing to the deepening of our knowledge at the molecular level.
Thus, starting with his studies of amphibian cancers from the standpoint of natural history, Dr. Asashima has demonstrated that comparative oncology can greatly contribute to advancing developmental biology, especially to elucidating the mechanisms of organogenesis.