The Awardee of the 1998 Prince Hitachi Prize
for Comparative Oncology
"Biology and Developmental Aspect of Lucke Renal Adenocarcinoma"
教授 ロバートG.マッキンネル博士
Professor Dr. Robert G. McKinnell
Professor Dr. Robert G. Mckinnell
Department of Genetics and
Cell Biology
University of Minnesota
ロバートG.マッキンネル博士は、1926年8月9日、米国ミズリー州スプリングフィールドでご誕生。博士は、17才の時、米国海軍に入隊し、19才で海軍少尉に任命された。海軍を離れた後、1949年Druryカレッジを優秀な成績で卒業した。卒業と共に海軍に呼び戻され、海軍大尉で任務についた。1953年幸い博士は今度は、ミネソタ大学で生物学の研究に戻ることができた。そこで米国癌研究所(NCI)のプレドクトラールリサーチフェローとして研究に従事し、同大学から動物学で学位(Ph.D.)を授与された。博士は、フィラデルフィアの、現在は、フォックスチェイスがんセンターといわれている研究所で1958-1961年の間ポストドクトラルフェローとなった。脊椎動物、北米産ヒョーガエルRana pipiensでの最初のクローン化の成功はフォックスチェイスでなされた。これはロバート・ブリッグスとトーマスJ.キングの努力によるものである。博士は、キング博士と共に核移植法を用いてヒョーガエルのリュッケー腎腺癌が分化能を持っているかどうかを確かめるために研究を行った。続いて、博士はニューオリンズのツーレイン大学の生物学教官に任命され、1961年から1970年まで勤務し教授にすすんだ。博士は、1970年動物学教授としてミネソタ大学に戻られた。1976年、遺伝学-細胞生物学の教授となり、引き続きモーズ・アルミナイディスティングイッシュ教授に任命され、現在に至っておられる。
Outline of Personal History
Robert G. McKinnell was born on 9 August 1926 in Springfield, Missouri, U.S.A. He entered the United State Navy at the age of 17 and was commissioned as Ensign at the age of 19. After leaving the Navy, he graduated with honors in biology from Drury College in 1949. Following graduation, he was recalled to the United States Navy where he served with the rank of Lieutenant. Finally, in 1953 he was pleased to return to his studies in biology, this time at the University of Minnesota where he was a Predoctoral Research Fellow of the National Cancer Institute and from which he received his Ph.D. in zoology. He became a postdoctoral fellow from 1958 to 1961 at what is now the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. The first successful cloning of a vertebrate, the North American leopard frog Rana pipiens, took place at Fox Chase through the efforts of Robert Birggs and Thomas J. King. Dr. McKinnell worked with Dr. King in utilizing the nuclear transplantation procedure to ascertain the potential for differentiation of the Lucké renal adenocarcinoma of Rana pipiens. Dr. McKinnell then was appointed to the biology faculty of Tulane University in New Orleans where he served from 1961 to 1970 and where he attained the rank of professor. He returned to the University of Minnesota in 1970 as a professor of zoology. In 1976, he became a professor of genetics and cell biology and subsequently he was designated a Morse/Alumni Distinguished Professor.
Professor McKinnell is married and the father of three grown children. He has three grandchildren.
ロバートG.マッキンネル博士は、その学術的生活の大半を北米産ヒョーガエル、Rana pipiensのリュッケー腫瘍といわれている腎臓の腺癌の本態の解明に費やしてきた。
このがんは、ヘルペスウイルスと関連しているがんとして最初に知られたものである。マッキンネル博士は、いまはRaHV-1と呼ばれているこのウイルスの自然の蛙の中の分布を研究し、ウイルスの複製と放出は環境条件に支配されていることを示した。ウイルス複製の環境によるコントロールは、自然におけるウイルスの生存を調整し、そして、ウイルスは感受性のあるカエルに腫瘍をおこす。マッキンネル博士は、RaHV-1 DNAを純化し、パルスフィールドゲル電気泳動法(FIGE)で推定ゲノムサイズ220kbpであることを確かめた。さらに最近、博士は、RaHV-1 DNAをスコットランドのグラスゴーのMRCウイルス研究所に送り、BamH1地図を作成し、塩基配列の解析を強力にすすめている。発がん性RaHV-1の生物学的知見は、他の発がんウイルスがいかにしてがんをおこすかについての理解に貢献するであろう。
浸潤と転移はがんの最もおそるべき性質である。リュッケー腎腫瘍の転移は温度依存性である。すなわち、低温下で維持されている蛙の腫瘍は転移を生じない、温かい条件下で維持されている蛙の腫瘍は転移するのにである。蛙腫瘍のin vitro 浸潤はI型コラゲナーゼの分泌にみるように、厳密に温度依存性である。蛙腫瘍はまた、IV型コラゲナーゼを産生する。(これらのコラゲナーゼが、線維性間質を溶かし、基底膜を溶かして、がん細胞の浸潤転移をおこさせる。)腫瘍のその他の細胞生物学的性状が、温度の変動と平行するかどうかが研究された。細胞機能と温度の相関は浸潤と転移の本質を示している。
Academic Achievements
Professor Robert G. McKinnell has spent most of his academic life in seeking new insights into the biology of the Lucké renal adenocarcinoma, a neoplasm that afflicts some North American leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. This cancer was the first known to be associated with a herpesvirus. Professor McKinnell studied the virus, now known as RaHV-1, in natural populations of frogs and showed that replication and release of virus from tumors was controlled by environmental conditions. Environmental control of virus replication allows for the survival of the virus in nature, which in turn perpetuates tumors in vulnerable frogs. Dr. McKinnell's laboratory produced purified RaHV-1 DNA which permitted a genomic size estimate of 220kbp by field inversion gel electrophoresis. More recently, Dr. McKinnell provided RaHV-1 DNA to the MRC Institute of Virology in Glasgow, Scotland where a BamHl map was made and extensive sequencing is underway. Knowledge of the biology of the oncogenic RaHV-1 may contribute to the understanding of how other oncogenic viruses cause cancer.
The first successful nuclear tarnsplantation (cloning) experiments were performed by Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King in Philadelphia in 1952. Dr. McKinnell was invited to work with Dr. King in pioneering cloning studies of a neoplastic adult cell nucleus. Transplantation of Lucké renal adenocarcinoma nuclei in these innovative experiments resulted in the production of embryos from the genome of the malignant cell. The nuclear transplant embryos died early in development. McKinnell and his associates subsequently showed that much potential for normal differentiation and development was retained in the Lucké nuclear transplant embryos. This was demonstrated when fragments of tumor nuclear transplant embryos were allografted to normal host. Extensive normal differentiation occurred in these grafts. The allografts of the tumor nuclear transplant embryos were not detectably different form control grafts of normal tissue. This work suggested that the genetic program of a cancer nucleus is not limited to the production of only cancer cells, but, mitotic progeny of the neoplasm may be directed along normal pathways of development. These early studies, along with the results of many other laboratories, have resulted in a new approach to cancer treatment known as differentiation therapy. If successful, differentiation therapy may someday replace conventional chemotherapy which kills cancer cells but with attendant toxicity to the patients. A more gentle differentiation therapy may someday emerge.
This Lucké renal adenocarinoma cloning studies were facilitated by collateral studies of tumor chromosomes (cloning is not possible without a normal or near normal set of chromosomes) and the development of genetic markers to provide irrefutable evidence that the transplanted nucleus is responsible for development.
Invasion and metastasis are the most feared aspects of cancer. Metastasis in the Lucké renal neoplasms is temperature dependent; tumors of frogs maintained at cool temperatures do not undergo metastasis as do tumors of frogs maintained under warm conditions. Invasion in vitro of the frog tumor is strictly temperature dependent as is the release of Type I collagenase. The frog tumor also elaborates Type IV collagenase. Other aspects of the cell biology of the tumor have been studied to ascertain if they correlate with temperature fluctuations. Correlations of these cell functions suggests a causal role in invasion and metastasis.
Professors teach as well as do research. McKinnell developed a course in the biology of cancer in 1971 for undergraduate students. A textbook published in 1998 by Cambridge University Press resulted form the cancer course. McKinnell received the highest teaching award at Tulane University in 1970 and he received the Morse/Alumni teaching award at the University of Minnesota in 1992.