The Awardee of the 1999 Prince Hitachi Prize
for Comparative Oncology
"Studies on Carcinogenesis in Comparative Oncology"
高山昭三 博士
Professor Dr. Shozo Takayama
Visiting Professor
Department of Pathology School of Medicine,
Showa University
Outline of Personal History
March 1950 | M.D., School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo |
1951-1953 | Resident in Pathology, School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
1953-1957 | Research Assistant, Department of Pathology, Cancer Institute, Tokyo |
1957-1958 | Visiting Research Fellow, Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York, U.S.A. |
1970-1971 | Fellow of the UICC, Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, NIH Bethesda, U.S.A |
1979-1984 | Vice Director, Cancer Institute, Tokyo |
1984-1992 | Director, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo |
1991 | President, The Japanese Cancer Association |
1992-Date | Professor, School of Medicine, Showa University, Tokyo |
1993-1994 | Visiting Scientist, Division of Cancer Etiology, National Cancer Institute, NIH Bethesda, U.S.A. |
1995-1997 | Guest Researcher, Division of Basic Science, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, U.S.A. |
Fulbright Award, 1957-1958
American Cancer Society, International Cancer Research Fellowship Award 1970-1971
Prize, The Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, 1980
Marital Status: Married, 1957; two children
魚類腫瘍については、1952年太田邦夫博士の指導で、東京湾で釣られたハゼに発生した腫瘍性病変を調べたのが最初であった。組織学的には表皮細胞の顕著な増殖で、細胞質内に封入体形成をみとめ、海水の汚染とウイルス感染の可能性を考えた。(Gann 1952)。
1975年加藤洋一博士らと15種の細胞で構成されている腔腸動物ヒドラに、がん化学療法剤、vinblastine sulfate、などを作用し、再生の異常が誘導されることを報告した。(Gann 1975)。
魚類を用いた発がん実験は当時鱒が主であったが、常陸宮正仁親王殿下、石川隆俊博士らと共にメダカにニトロソ化合物などを短時間作用させることで肝がんを発生させる系を確立した。(JNCI 1975, J Toxi Environ Health 1979, JNCI Monogr. 1984)。このメダカの実験系は、水溶性発がん物質の鋭敏且つ短期検出法として重要視された。(IARC 1977)。
錦鯉は人工交配で作られた日本古来の観賞魚である。然し、腸満という腹部が膨隆する病気が発生し、飼育者の間で恐れられていた。これは人間の卵巣に発生する顆粒膜—莢膜細胞腫とよく似た腫瘍で、手術的に切除すると治癒し、再発はみられなかった。(JNCI 1976, Ann N.Y. Acad Sci 1977)。
金魚には赤色腫という得意な皮膚腫瘍が発生する。腫瘍は増殖をつづけ、自然に退縮することがなく、切除後断端再発があるなど、悪性性格を示した。またin vitroでDMSOにより分化するなど、色素細胞の研究分野で広く応用された。(JNCI 1978, 1980)。
1993年から1997年までアメリカ国立がん研究所で、Unnur P, Thorgeirsson博士らと、環境中に存在する化学物質を長期間投与したサルの検索を行い、これを報告した。(JNCI 1988, JCRCO 1999)。
Academic Achievements
While animal systems using rats and mice for experimental carcinogenesis studies have been well established, the situation in regard to lower animals like fish and intervertebrates is less clear. Working on the principle that fish and intervertebrates are anatomically and functionally less complex than rodents, they should be of particular usefulness for elucidation of mechanisms involved in carcinogenesis. Dr. Takayama undertook a series of studies to pursue this question.
Firstly, Dr. Takayama studies spontaneous tumor development in fish under the guidance of Dr. Kunio Oota. He examined tumor-like lesions on the dorsal and breast fins of gobys captured in the Tokyo Bay. Histopathological investigation revealed inclusion bodies suggesting viral etiology with or without environmental contaminants Gann (1952).
Dr. Takayama used hydra in some of his studies. In collaboration with Dr. Yoichi Katoh, he showed induction of abnormal regeneration in the hydra by vinblastin and vincristine sulfate. The results were published in Gann (1975).
Turning his attention to fish, Dr.Takayama together with Prince Masahito Hitachi and Dr. Takatoshi Ishikawa, decided to explore the possibility of employing a small fish, Medaka, in chemical carcinogenesis studies. They demonstrated that nitroso compounds induced liver cancers at a high incidence with a relatively short latent period. These findings were reported in JNCI (1975) and JNCI Monograph (1984). The application of lower aquatic animals in chemical carcinogenesis studies has subsequently gained considerable importance as a means to detect water soluble carcinogens.
Artificial mating of multicolored carp to generate a unique type of pet fish has attracted a great deal of attention in Japan. One problem with these carps is that they frequently develop an abdominal swelling called "swollen belly disease." Dr. Takayama studied the tumors responsible for the abdominal swelling of the carp and demonstrated morphological similarities to human ovarian granulosa-theca cell tumor. However, in contrast to the human granulosa-theca cell tumor, recurrence was not observed after removal of the carp tumors (Ann N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1977).
Goldfish develop a specific form of spontaneous tumors called erythrophoroma. Long-term observation has revealed that the majority of the tumors continue to grow and do not regress spontaneously. The fact that the tumors recur at the surgical margins of the resected tumors indicates malignant behavior (JNCI, 1978, 1980).
Dr. Takayama has conducted numerous rodent studies on chemical carcinogenesis, which have attracted international attention.These studies culminated in collaborative efforts with Dr. Unnur P. Thorgeirsson of the National Cancer Institute, U.S.A., assessing chronic toxicity and long-term carcinogenicity of various potential human carcinogens in nonhuman primates. The obvious phylogenetic relationship and close similarities at the level of drug metabolism makes the nonhuman primate model particularly important for extrapolation of carcinogenesis and toxicity data to the human situation. This work has resulted in publications in JNCI (1998) and JCRCO (1999).
During his long research career, Dr. Takayama has published many important papers in the area of experimental carcinogenesis.Also being a medical pathologist, he has been particularly capable of assessing the significance of fish, rodent and nonhuman primate neoplasms in relation to human tumors.
The Awardee of the 1999 Prince Hitachi Prize
for Comparative Oncology
石川隆俊 博士
Professor Dr. Takatoshi Ishikawa
Department of Molecular Pathology
Graduate School of Medicine
University of Tokyo
Outline of Personal History
Takatoshi Ishikawa was born on the 20th of May, 1939 in Tokyo, Japan. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo in 1968 and was granted his M.D. from the same University in 1975, then joining the Department of Experimental Pathology (Chief, Dr. Shozo Takayama) of the Cancer Institute as a research associate. He there succeeded in inducing liver tumors in medaka (Oryzias laripes), this forming the basis for a long and fruitful collaboration with Prince Masahito who shared his interest in comparative oncology. This close cooperation at the Cancer Institute lasted for more than 15 years until hi returned to Tokyo University in 1989 as Professor of the Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine. Since the move the collaboration has continued with a shift in emphasis towards transgenic fish systems and fish oncogene studies of nephroblastomas in cultured eels. Dr. Ishikawa was elected to serve as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo form 1997 to 1999. In addition to work on comparative oncology he has made many unique contributions in his laboratory work on DNA repair and cancer.
Professor Ishikawa is married and the father of three grown children.
石川博士は研究の当初、小型の淡水魚であるメダカにジエチルニトロソアミンという化学発癌物質を与えて肝臓癌を誘発する実験に成功した。メダカは発癌物質処理後5週間という短期間で癌を発生し、高感度なバイオアッセイ用モデルとしても注目され、その後、内外の研究室で色々な発癌物質を用いてその有用性が確認されるにいたった。小型魚類を応用した発癌の研究に関するいくつかの国際シンポジウムが開催され、Japanese medakaの名は発癌研究者の知るところとなった。またメダカは異種遺伝子導入のための動物としても適当であることが小里教授らにより見いだされた。石川博士らはメダカにホタルのルシフェラーゼ遺伝子を導入し、導入された遺伝子がメンデルの法則に従って世代をへだてて伝達されることを確認した。
Academic Achievement
Professor Takatoshi Ishikawa has long been active as an experimental pathologist in chemical carcinogenesis.
In his early research career, he succeeded for the first time in producing liver cancers in the small, fresh water, rice fish or medaka(Oryzias latipes) with diethylnitrosamine. This provided a sensitive bioassay model in which liver cancer may develop as early as five weeks after carcinogen exposure. It has subsequently found application in many other laboratories and several international symposia dealing with small fish species contributions to studies of carcinogenesis have been organized so the this fish has become renowned as the "Japanese medaka". After Professor Ozato reported its utility for gene transfer, Professor Ishikawa's team transfected medaka with a foreign gene and confirmed gene transmission in a Mendelian fashion over generations.
As a collaborator with Prince Masahito on fish pathology Professor Ishikawa had the good fortune to participate in many newly discoveries regarding fish neoplasms.Although most within the areas of pathobiology, a long series of very informative studies could be performed, many focusing on nephroblastomas in cultured Japanese eels, a potentially important a model for human Wilms tumor. Professor Ishikawa and his group have in fact now cloned the eel Wilms tumor gene (EWT) and investigated mutations and expression of the gene in tumors.
Alongside his fish cancer research, Professor Ishikawa has made outstanding contributions to understanding the molecular and cellular mechanisms of DNA repair in relation to cancer. In this connection he investigated DNA repair systems in various fish species and provided evidence that the extent of excision repair is significantly lower than in mammalian species, including man. Similar results were obtained for O6 - methylguanine DNA methyltransferase - mediated repair capacity, which is considered to be another important DNA repair pathway relevant to mammalian carcinogenesis.
Professor Ishikawa is a medical pathologist with a wide background in cancer biology, including comparative oncology, who shares an unusual rapport with his coworkers.