The Awardee of the 2008 Prince Hitachi Prize
for Comparative Oncology
"Studies on Simian T-cell Leukemia Virus (STLV)"
速水 正憲 博士
京都大学 ウイルス研究所
Dr. Masanori Hayami
Professor Emeritus
Kyoto University
米国留学では、K. E. Hellstrom教授の下でラウス肉腫ウイルスの腫瘍免疫の研究、ドイツ留学ではH. Bauer教授の下でラウス肉腫ウイルスのウイルス学的解析に従事した。
Personal History Outline
Dr. Masanori Hayami graduated from the Veterinary School of the University of Tokyo in 1967, and took a research position in the Department of Measles Virus of the National Institute of Health (presently, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases), Japan. He studied as a post-doctral fellow at the University of Washington from 1973 to 1975 and then worked as a research fellow at the University of Giessen from 1975 to 1977. In 1982, he became Associate Professor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo. In 1988 when the Research Center for Immunodeficiency Virus was established in the Institute of Virus Research, Kyoto University, he was invited to be the Director and a professor of the Center. In 2006, he retired and became Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University.
Dr. Hayami’s research started in the Department of Measles Virus under Dr. Kazuya Yamanouchi, and aimed to clarify the pathogenicity of avian leukosis virus which had the possibility to contaminate the measles vaccines. Study on avian leukosis virus was a hot target in the tumor virus research field at that time, and had a connection with the later discoveries of the human oncogenic retroviruses, HTLV and HIV. Dr. Hayami’s studies on avian leukosis retrovirus and his use of monkeys for vaccine assay at that time were the original currents of his future research. In the US, he worked on the Rous Sarcoma Virus, one of the avian leukosis viruses, and was engaged in research on tumor immunology in Prof. K. E. Hellstrom’s laboratory. In Germany, he studied the virology of the Rous Sarcoma Virus.
He moved to the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo, as an associate professor, at almost the same time as Prof. Yorio Hinuma, Institute for Virus Research, Kyoto University (presently Professor Emeritus) identified HTLV-1 as a causative agent of adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). Dr. Hayami started his HTLV-1 research with the support of Prof. Hinuma and soon isolated and identified simian retroviruses similar to HTLV-1 and named them simian T-cell leukemia virus (STLV, later STLV-1) because they induced an ATL-like disease in monkeys. This was the beginning of his primate retrovirus research and he phylogenetically analyzed HTLV-1/STLV-1 which he collected by visiting various countries, including some in Africa. He showed that HTLV-1 is mainly preserved in ethnic minorities and its distribution was closely related to primate evolution, human origin and human movements of the past. In addition, he showed that the origin of a part of African HTLV-1 was monkeys.
Furthermore, based on his STLV-1 research experience, Dr. Hayami first isolated and identified HIV-like viruses from African nonhuman primates, and by visiting Africa many times, he isolated novel HIV/SIV. He phylogenetically analyzed various types of HIV/SIV and showed that the origin of HIV is nonhuman primates of central Africa and that new HIV is still emerging at present.
Dr. Hayami was also engaged in research on HIV pathogenicity and the vaccine development. The big barrier to the development of HIV vaccine is a lack of experimental animals infectable with HIV. He first constructed chimeric viruses (SHIV) having HIV genomes based on SIV, which is infectable to monkeys. This made it possible to analyze experimentally HIV pathogenicity in vivo and SHIV is now used all over the world to carry out basic research on HIV pathogenicity and applied research on development of HIV vaccine.
成人T細胞白血病(ATL)とその原因ウイルス(HTLV-1)の発見、更にそれに続くATLの疫学と予防研究は、戦後の日本がん研究の大きな業績として世界的に高く評価されている。HTLV-1の発見数年後に、サルが抗HTLV-1抗体をもつことを日本の三好、速水ら(日沼グループ)およびドイツのHunsmanらが相次いで見出した。これに端を発したサルT細胞白血病ウイルス(STLV、後にSTLV-1)の研究は、米国のGalloグループ、Essexグループ、フランスのde Theグループ、ドイツのHunsmanグループ、日本の速水グループによる熾烈な競争となったが、 速水博士らの研究は、その広さと徹底さにおいて他の追随を許さず、渡邉博士と共に、HTLV-1/STLV-1のウイルス学、系統発生学およびそれらが関与する人獣共通感染症(zoonosis)の解明に多大な貢献をなした。以下、速水博士らの研究業績を経時的に略述する。
1. 類人猿を含むアフリカ、アジアの種々の旧世界ザルが抗HTLV-1抗体を保有するが、南米の新世界ザルや、より下等な原猿類は保有しないことを明らかにし(日沼グループとの共同研究)、その後、分離されたSTLV-1が各サル種固有であったことから、霊長類の進化との密接な関連を示唆した。(文献1, 2, 11, 18, 19, 21)
2. ATLが日本に多いことから、ニホンザルからの伝播が疑われたが、野沢謙グループ(京大霊長研)との共同研究による抗体疫学調査により、それはなかったことを明らかにした。またニホンザルやカニクイザル(筑波霊長類センターの本庄重男グループとの共同研究)でHTLV-1と同様に家族集積性があり、母仔感染が主体であることを示し、経胎盤感染があることを実験的に明らかにした。(文献2, 19, 20)
3. 速水グループの辻本元が、種々のサル類から樹立したSTLV-1陽性細胞は、ヒトATL細胞と同様にIL-2Rを有したT細胞であり、STLV-1は細胞融合活性も含めHTLV-1と同様な生物活性があることを明らかにした。また主として吉田光昭グループ(癌研)の渡邉俊樹らとの共同研究による遺伝子解析により、その遺伝子構造はHTLV-1と同様であるが、相互に異なるウイルス群であることを明らかにした。またTaxその他の遺伝子機能もほぼ同様であった。(文献3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 20, 21)
4. STLV-1が感染したアフリカミドリザルで、ATLでみられる花弁状の核を特徴とする異形リンパ球をもつ典型的なATL発症を初めて報告し、そのモノクローナルな増殖からSTLV-1の腫瘍原性を確認し、サルT細胞白血病ウイルス(STLV、後にSTLV-1)と名付けた(吉田グループとの共同研究)。さらに、pre-leukemiaやsmolderingATLに相当する感染ザルも観察され、ATLの動物モデルとなることを示し、発症過程で特異的なCTLのみならずNKやLAK細胞が関与していることを示した。(文献6, 9, 10, 12, 22)
5. 速水グループの三浦智行は、種々のHTLV-1/STLV-1の系統解析にはLTR遺伝子領域が最適であることを提唱し、それまでのHTLV-1の型別をさらに細分化することに成功した。さらに中央アフリカの原住民とサル類から採取したサンプルの詳細な解析により、HTLV-1の中央アフリカ型はアフリカのSTLV-1群の1亜群であり、アフリカミドリザルからピグミーに伝播し、さらに周辺のバンツーに拡がった人獣共通伝染病であることを明らかにした。またアフリカの一部地域のSTLV-1に種特異性よりも地域特異性がみられたことから、かつて種間感染が多くあったことを示した。(文献13, 14, 16, 23, 24)
6. アジアのHTLV-1/STLV-1の解析により、アジアの各サル種のSTLV-1は長い間、固有に保持されており、ヒトへの伝播はなかったことを示した。(文献15, 24)
7. 上述のHTLV-1/STLV-1やHTLV-2/STLV-2群とも全く別系統の第3のSTLV-3群が東アフリカのヒヒその他に広く保有されていたことから、現地人にSTLV-3由来のHTLV-3が伝播して、なんらかの疾患を起こしている可能性を示した。(文献17, 24)
Academic Achievement
The discovery of the disease adult T cell leukemia (ATL), the identification of its causative agent HTLV-1 and subsequent research including epidemiology and prevention are highly evaluated worldwide as specific harvests of cancer research in Japan after World War II. A few years after the identification of HTLV-1, the possession of anti-HTLV-1 antibody in nonhuman primates was reported in succession by the Miyoshi group and the Hayami group (the Hinuma group at that time) of Japan, and Hunsman of Germany. Subsequently, keen competition in research on simian T cell leukemia virus (STLV, later STLV-1) arose among US (Gallo group, Essex group), France (de The group), Germany (Hunsman group) and Japan (Hayami group). The Hayami group by far exceeded others in the broadness and throughness of their research and, with Dr. Watanabe, contributed greatly to our understanding of the virology and the phylogeny of STLV-1 and STLV-1-/HTLV-1- related zoonosis. Dr. Hayami’s academic achievements are briefly described in chronological order as follows:
1. The Hayami group demonstrated, in collaboration with the Hinuma group, that the anti-HTLV-1 antibody is possessed by various species of old-world nonhuman primates including anthropoid apes living in Africa and Asia, but not by new world monkeys, lower primates, or prosimians in the world. As the viruses isolated later were identified as being species specific, Dr. Hayami suggested that there is a close relation between the viruses and primate evolution. (Ref. 1, 2, 11, 18, 19, 21)
2. At first, the virus transmission from Japanese monkeys to Japanese was suspected because Japan is one of the world’s HTLV-1 endemic countries. However, his group eliminated such a possibility by seroepidemical survey in collaboration with the K. Nozawa group (Primate Institute, Kyoto University). In addition, familial clustering and mother-to-child transmission of the virus in Japanese monkeys and cynomolgus monkeys (in collaboration with the S. Honjo group, Tsukuba Primate Center) were shown, and transplacental transmission was experimentally proved. (Ref. 2, 19, 20)
3. STLV-1 positive cells established from various nonhuman primates by the Tsujimoto of the Hayami group were shown to be T cells having an IL-2R marker as in human ATL, and STLV-1 has the same biological activities, including cell fusion activity, as HTLV-1. Genomic analysis in collaboration mainly with T. Watanabe of M. Yoshida group (The Cancer Institute of the JFCR) revealed that the genomic structure is similar to HTLV-1, having 90–95 % homology with HTLV-1 and each other. Thus the new simian viruses were clearly distinguished from HTLV-1. The function of tax and other genes were shown to be almost the same as HTLV-1. (Ref. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 20, 21)
4. Typical ATL with abnormal lymphocytes containing flower-like nuclei in STLV-1 infected African green monkeys was first reported by the Hayami group. As the tumorigenicity of STLV-1 was soon confirmed by identifying monoclonal expansion of leukemic cells, the virus was finally designated simian T cell leukemia virus (STLV-1, later STLV-1) in collaboration with the Yoshida group. Moreover, preleukemia and smoldering ATL were observed in STLV-1 infected monkeys and an animal model of ATL was thus established. In the course of disease progression, the involvement of not only specific CTL but also NK and LAK cells, were shown. (Ref. 6, 9, 10, 12, 22)
5. T. Miura of the Hayami group proposed that the LTR genomic region is most suitable for phylogenetical analysis of various types of HTLV-1/STLV-1, and classified known HTLV-1 groups to smaller more refined groups. Detailed analysis of HTLV-1/STLV-1 collected from native people and nonhuman primates during overseas surveys in central Africa demonstrated that the central African type of HTLV-1 is one of the subgroups of African STLV-1 and suggested that it was transmitted originally from African green monkey to Pigmy people and then spread to the surrounding Bantu people, showing that HTLV-1 central African type is a zoonosis from nonhuman primates. As STLV-1 in one area of Africa is area-specific rather than species-specific, there is a possibility that inter-specific transmission of STLV-1 happened frequently in this area in the past. (Ref. 13, 14, 16, 23, 24)
6. Phylogenetical analysis of HTLV-1/STLV-1 collected in Asia demonstrated that various types of STLV-1 of Asian nonhuman primates had been long kept in each species and that transmission from orangutans, an Asian ape-like chimpanzee, was unlikely, Besides, Melanesian-type HTLV-1 was shown specific to human. (Ref. 15, 24)
7. The third STLV group, STLV-3, which is different from the above–mentioned STLV-1 and STLV-2 groups, was found in baboons in east Africa. As it has spread among other monkey species, the possibility that STLV-3 transmitted and evolved into HTLV-3 causing some types of diseases in native people was suggested. (Ref. 17, 24)
The Awardee of the 2008 Prince Hitachi Prize
for Comparative Oncology
渡邉 俊樹 博士
東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科
メディカルゲノム専攻 教授
Dr. Toshiki Watanabe
The University of Tokyo
1979年3月に東京大学医学部医学科を卒業した。1981年東京大学医学部第4内科医員となり、血液内科の臨床に従事した後、1982年から、HTLVの研究を行っていた癌研究所ウイルス腫瘍部吉田光昭博士の研究室へ研究生として参加し、塩基配列に基づいてHTLVとSTLVの相互関係を明らかにする研究を行った。1985年に東京大学に戻り、ATLに合併する高カルシウム血症の発症機構に関する研究を開始し、再び癌研究所に戻って、高カルシウム血症がPTHrPのHTLV-1 Taxによる発現誘導とATL腫瘍細胞における恒常的過剰発現が原因であることを明らかにした。
1990年に東京大学医科学研究所に助教授として赴任したのち、久留米大学眼科の望月 學博士および熊本大学山口一成博士らとの共同研究により、HTLV-1感染によって発症する第3の疾患としてぶどう膜炎(「HTLV-1ぶどう膜炎」)が存在することを明らかにし、その疾患概念の確立と病態の解析を行った。
博士は、2007年にはInternational Retrovirology Association(IRA)の「第13回国際ヒトレトロウイルス会議:HTLVと関連ウイルス」の会長を務め、また、2011年にはInternational Association for Comparative Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases(国際比較白血病学会)会長として東京で学会を開催する予定である。
Personal History Outline
Professor Toshiki Watanabe was born in Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, Japan in 1950. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo in 1979 and joined the Hematology/Onclogy group of the 4th International Medicine Department. In 1982, he started working on the molecular biology of ATLV (HTLV) /STLV in Dr. Mitsuaki Yoshida’s laboratory, the Laboratory of Viral Oncology, the Cancer Institute of the JFCR. In 1985, he moved back to the University of Tokyo and started researching project on malignant hypercalcemia associated with ATL. He then returned to Dr. Yoshida’s laboratory and revealed that the PTHrP gene is transactivated by the viral oncoprotein Tax and constitutively overexpressed in primary ATL cells, which is the basis for the hypercalcemia associated with ATL. In September of 1990, he was assigned as the Associate Professor of the Department of Pathology in the Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Tokyo.
In collaboration with Professor Manabu Mochizuki of Kurume University, and Dr. Kazunari Yamaguchi of Kumamoto University, Dr. Watanabe established a new disease entity HTLV-1 Uveitis and characterized its epidemiology and pathophysiology.
Dr. Watanabe also worked on the signal transduction abnormalities in malignant lymphoma and drugs targeting key molecules for signal transduction. Furthermore, he revealed the molecular mechanism of aberrant NF-kB activation in Hodgkin lymphoma cells, and the molecular mechanism of the interaction between the NF-kB signal transduction pathway and the chimeric kinase, NPM-ALK, that is found in a similar lymphoma, the anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). In addition he worked on a novel NF-kB inhibitor, DHMEQ, which inhibits nuclear translocation of p65NF-kB, and demonstrated induction of apoptosis of tumor cells with constitutive NF-kB activation, such as those of Hodgin’s lymphoma, CLL and multiple myeloma. He reported that in ATL, DHMEQ efficiently induced apoptosis of ATL cells and specifically reduced the number of untransformed HTLV-1-infected cells in the peripheral blood of HTLV-1 carriers in vitro.
Recently, he has been working on the elucidation of the effects of viral gene products on host cells and leukemogenic events involved in multistep carcinogenesis of ATL.
In 2007, he hosted the 13th International Conference on Human Retrovirology:HTLV and Related viruses, which was held in Hakone. In 2011, he is going to host the XXV Symposium of the International Association for Comparative Research on Leukemia and Related Diseases in Tokyo.
HTLV-1はヒトで初めて発見されたレトロウイルスであるが、世界の中で日本特に西南日本に感染者が集中していることが明らかになったことから、白血病の発症をもたらす病原性発現機構とともに、ウイルスの起源と伝搬に関して広く興味がもたれた。後者の課題は、霊長類に広く分布するSTLVの発見によって、全く新たな展開を見せた。HTLV-1とSTLVとの類似性、種々のサルから分離されたSTLV間での相関に関する分子生物学的解析が緊急の課題となり、HTLV-1の塩基配列を同定した吉田光昭グループと速水グループの共同研究が始まった。渡邉博士が中心となってSTLVのクローニングと塩基配列決定と相同性の解析を行い、HTLV-1との関係ならびにSTLV間の遺伝的距離を明らかにした。その後さらに、速水グループはSTLV間の異同の詳細、系統図の提示、ヒトへの感染ルートなど広く詳細に研究を展開した。渡邉博士は、以下に詳述する様に、これらの一連の研究展開の基盤となる、STLVの塩基配列の決定とそれに基づくHTLV-1や種々のSTLV-1の遺伝的相互関係の解析から、HTLV-1がアフリカ型のSTLVの一種であることを初めて明らかにし、これらを総称する霊長類T細胞白血病ウイルス(Primate T-cell leukemia virus)と言う最初の概念を提示して、以後の研究の概念的枠組みを示した。
渡邉博士は、米国のGalloらによって1980年に初めて報告されたHTLV と、その後、日沼、三好、吉田らの日本の研究者らが同定報告したATL virus (ATLV) について、両者のプロウィルスの遺伝子構造の相同性を、ウィルスの遺伝子領域特異的プローブを用いたサザンブロット法で解析し、これら2つの分離株がほぼ同一のウィルスであることを示した。この結果からこれらのウィルスの名称はHTLVに統一された。その後、三好、 Hunsmann、速水らによって、一部のサルでは血清中にHTLV-1と反応する抗体があることが相次いで報告され、これらのサルに同一あるいは類似のレトロウィルスが感染していることが推測された。そこで、抗体陽性の種々の旧世界ザルからTリンパ球細胞株を樹立し、その染色体DNAに組み込まれているプロウィルスDNAをHTLV-1の遺伝子領域特異的プローブを用いてサザンブロッティング法で解析した。その結果、これらのサルのウィルスは全領域でHTLV-1と高い相同性を示すが、制限酵素地図が全く異なることが示された。これらの結果は、類似のウィルスSimian T-cell Leukemia Virus (STLV) がヒト以外の旧世界ザルに広く感染していること、しかし、近い過去に人とサルの間に種を超えた感染が無かったことを示唆するものであった。また、STLV感染アフリカミドリザルでSTLV感染Tリンパ球が単クローン性に増殖した白血病が発症したことを、HTLV-1をプローブとしたサザンブロッティング法を用いて明らかにし、STLVがサルにおいても同様の病原性を示すこと報告した。
渡邉博士は、STLV感染ブタオザル由来細胞株からSTLVのプロウィルスほぼ全長をクローニングして、その遺伝子構造と塩素配列を決定してHTLV-1との相同性を比較した。その結果、env-pX-LTR領域では、それぞれ約90%の相同性を示すことから、STLVがHTLV-1とは異なるHTLVファミリーのウィルスであることを明らかにした。更に、アフリカミドリザルとチンパンジーに由来するSTLVのlong terminal repeat(LTR)の塩素配列の相同性の比較検討を行い、これらのSTLV はHTLV-1および相互の比較でそれぞれ95%というより高い相同性を示すこと示した。この結果から、お互いに高い相同性を示すHTLV-1を含むアフリカ型STLVのグループと、これらに対して相同性の低いアジア型STLVとの、2つに大きく区分されることを明らかにした。したがって、HTLVはアフリカ型STLVに含まれること、さらにHTLVとSTLVを総称する名称としては、Primate T-cell leukemia virus(霊長類T細白血病ウィルス)がよりふさわしいと提案した。
渡邉博士がクローニングしたブタオザルSTLVプロウィルスクローンは、そのDNAを細胞に導入するとウィルスが産生される「感染性DNAクローン」であることが明らかになった。これは HTLV-1ファミリーでは最初の報告である。その塩素配列の解析から、protease蛋白質が他の動物レトロウィルスとは異なり、ribosomal frame-shiftによってgag-protease polyprotein が生産されるというHTLVファミリー独自の機構が初めて示された。
Academic Achievement
HTLV-1 is the first retrovirus that was identified in humans. HTLV-1 was found to be endemic in limited areas of the world, including southwest Japan. Thus, the origin and the mode of transmission of HTLV-1 was one of the main problems to be addressed in addition to the mechanisms of ATL development. The discovery of STLV provided a novel insight into the origin and transmission of HTLV-1. The questions to be answered concerned the genetic similarity between HTLV and STLV, and between STLVs isolated from various monkeys. Thus, collaboration between Dr. Yoshida’s group and Dr. Hayami’s group was initiated. Dr. Watanabe worked on molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analyses, the results of which revealed the genetic relationship between HTLV and various STLVs. Dr. Hayami’s group further extended studies on the identification of new isolates, detailed analyses of the genetic relationship between STLVs, and transmission of STLV to humans. Dr. Watanabe’s work provided the basis for these studies by revealing the homology of nucleotide sequences of STLVs and showing that HTLV is a member of the African-type STLV. He also proposed the name primate T-cell leukemia virus (PTLV) for this retrovirus family.
The relationship between HTLV and ATLV was an important question, since they were the first human retroviruses independently isolated in two countries at almost the same time. HTLV was isolated by Dr. Gallo’s group from a patient with cutaneous lymphoma in the U.S.A., whereas ATLV was isolated from a patient with ATL in Japan by Drs. Hinuma, Miyoshi and Yoshida. Dr. Watanabe demonstrated that HTLV and ATLV are the same virus by Southern blot analysis with gene specific probes. Based on this result, it was agreed between the researchers in Japan and the U.S.A. that the two viruses would be called HTLV. Drs. Miyoshi, Hunsman and Hayami discovered an antibody against HTLV in the sera of some monkeys, suggesting infection by HTLV or related viruses. T-cell lines were established from peripheral blood of antibody-positive old-world monkeys and subjected to Southern blot analysis to detect the integrated proviruses using HTLV DNA as a probe. The results demonstrated that the proviruses were highly homologous in their nucleotide sequences, but that they had unique restriction maps. These results indicated that STLVs are different from HTLV, and widely distributed among old-world monkeys. Furthermore, the data eliminated the possibility of recent interspecies transmission between humans and monkeys. Southern blotting analysis of the leukemic cells in an African green monkey demonstrated that they are monoclonally expanded STLV-infected cells, suggesting that STLV is leukemogenic, as is HTLV. Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analyses of the LTR region of STLVs from African green monkeys and chimpanzees revealed 95% homology among HTLV and these STLVs and one another. These data suggested that HTLV and STLVs can be grouped into two: - the first contains HTLV and African-origin STLVs with the higher sequence homology, and the second contains Asian STLVs that show lower sequence homology compared with the former. In other words, HTLV belongs to the African STLV group. Based on these analyses, Primate T-cell Leukemia Virus (PTLV) was proposed as the collective name of these viruses.
One STLV clone isolated from a pig-tailed macaque was found to produce viral particles when transduced into cultured cells, showing that it was an infectious DNA clone, the first such example in HTLV and STLV. Nucleotide sequence analyses revealed that the gag-protease polyprotein of STLV was produced by the ribosomal frame-shift, a unique mechanism compared with those of other animal retroviruses.
The above-stated results clearly demonstrated that HTLV and STLVs are widely distributed in old-world primates and provided a firm basis for understanding the relationship between HTLV and STLVs, as well as the origin and evolution of retroviruses in the “PTLV” family.