The Awardee of the 2010 Prince Hitachi Prize
for Comparative Oncology
"Studies on Pierisin produced by cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae)"
若林 敬二 博士
国立がんセンター研究所 所長
Dr. Keiji Wakabayashi
Cancer Center Research Institute
若林敬二博士は、1977年静岡薬科大学大学院博士課程を修了した。大学院在学時より小菅卓夫教授の指導を受け、国立がんセンター研究所、東京大学薬学部との共同研究のもとに、アミノ酸の加熱分解物中の変異原物質の研究に従事した。1979年に国立がんセンター研究所に着任した後も、杉村隆所長、長尾美奈子室長とともに加熱食品中の変異原・がん原物質を始めとして広く環境中に存在するヒトがんの原因物質及び発がん抑制物質に関わる研究に取り組み、数々の独創的かつ先駆的な業績をあげた。この間、1985年に研究所発がん研究部室長、1994年に研究所生化学部長、1997年に研究所がん予防研究部長、2002年研究所副所長となり、2007年からは研究所長を務めている(2010年 3月31日現在)。博士の業績の大要を以下に示す。
1. 加熱食品中の変異原・がん原物質の検索を行い、Trp-P-1、Trp-P-2を始めとして、種々の変異原・がん原性を示すHeterocyclic amine(HCA)の単離・構造決定に寄与した。更にHCAの簡便で精度の高い定量法を確立し、HCAのヒト曝露量の測定を行うとともに、ヒト臓器DNA中の付加体も検出した。
2. タバコの煙や加熱食品等に多量に存在する非変異原物質であるNorharman及びAnilineはCytochrome P-450存在下で反応して、新規変異原物質であるAminophenyl norharman(APNH)を生成することを明らかにした。また、APNHのラットにおける発がん性を証明するとともに、APNHがヒト尿中からも検出されることを見出した。
3. 亜硝酸と反応し直接変異原性を示す、日常食品中の変異原前駆物質の検索を行い、醤油等の大豆発酵食品及び白菜より新しいタイプの変異原前駆物質であるチラミン及び数種のインドール化合物を単離・同定した。また、チラミンと亜硝酸との反応により生成する変異原物質(3-Diazotyramine)の発がん性も証明した。
4. 大腸発がんメカニズムに基づく発がん抑制物質の検索を行い、COX-2同様、COX-1の選択的阻害剤も大腸がん抑制作用を示すことを見出した。更に、PGE2のレセプターであるEP1及びEP4の拮抗剤、及びPPARγリガンド等の化合物が大腸発がんの抑制剤として有用であることを初めて明らかにした。
更に、最近ではモンシロチョウに存在するDNA ADP-リボシル化蛋白質であるピエリシンの生理活性に関する研究に精力的に取り組んでいる。また、博士は日本癌学会、日本生化学会、日本がん予防学会、日本環境変異原学会等の会長、理事、評議員を務め、これらの学会の発展にも貢献している。
Personal History Outline
Dr. Keiji Wakabayashi, studying mutagenic compounds in the pyrolysate of amino acids in collaboration with the National Cancer Center Research Institute (NCCRI) and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo, completed Ph.D. program at Shizuoka College of Pharmacy under the guidance of Dr. Takuo Kosuge in 1977. In 1979, Dr. Wakabayashi joined NCCRI as a research scientist and has been studying roles of environmental factors in cancer development and related approaches to possible cancer prevention in humans. At the same institute, Dr. Wakabayashi was appointed as Section Head of Carcinogenesis Division in 1985, Chief of Biochemistry Division in 1994, Chief of Cancer Prevention Division in 1997, and Deputy Director in 2002 and he is now serving as Director since 2007 (as of March 31, 2010). He also serves on scientific committees of the Japanese Cancer Association, the Japanese Biochemical Association, the Japanese Association for Cancer Prevention, and the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society.
His main research works are summarized below.
1. Various kinds of mutagenic/carcinogenic heterocyclic amines (HCA) including Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2 were identified in cooked foods. Moreover, the simple and sensitive analysis method was established, and the exposure levels of HCAs to humans were analyzed. HCAs-DNA adducts in the human tissues were detected.
2. A novel mutagenic compound, aminophenylnorharman (APNH), was formed by the enzymatic reaction (cytochrome P-450) of non-mutagenic norharman and aniline, which abundantly exist in the cigarette smoke condensates and cooked foods. APNH induced liver and colon tumors in the rats. Moreover, APNH could be detected in human urine samples collected from healthy volunteers and inpatients.
3. Nitrosatable mutagen precursors were screened in daily food stuffs, and tyramine and indole compounds derived from soy sauce and Chinese cabbage, respectively were identified to induce direct-acting mutagenicity after nitrite treatment. Carcinogenicity of 3-diazotyramine, a nitrosation product of tyramine, was also demonstrated.
4. Based on the mechanisms of colon carcinogenesis, cancer preventive agents were screened, and selective inhibitors for COX-1 as well as COX-2 were shown to have preventive effects on colon carcinogenesis. Antagonists for PGE2 receptor subtypes EP1 and EP4, and PPARγ ligands were also demonstrated to be possible candidates for chemopreventive agents.
Recently, Dr. Wakabayashi and his group have studied pierisin, a DNA ADP-ribosylating protein in cabbage butterfly (Pieris rapae).
For his achievements in works of carcinogenesis and cancer prevention, Dr. Wakabayashi received the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society Achievement Award in 1985, the Japanese Cancer Association Incitement Award in 1986, and the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund Award in 2005 and was also a recipient of a Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society Award in 2008.
昆虫の変態は、急激な細胞死と新たな形態形成という高度に有機的な過程を伴う誠に神秘的な現象である。この現象への深い興味に端を発して、若林博士とそのグループは、モンシロチョウの終令幼虫および蛹の体液の中に、胃がん(TMK-1)細胞にアポトーシスを起こす極めて強い活性があることを発見し、その活性物質を精製した。活性本体は分子量約10万の比較的安定なペプチドであり、体液蛋白質の約1%を占める。モンシロチョウの学名 Pieris rapaeに鑑み、ピエリシン(Pierisin)と命名した。ついで、ピエリシン蛋白のアミノ酸配列、その遺伝子の塩基配列DNAを明らかにした。
モンシロチョウ類の分類については、常陸宮正仁親王殿下より文献を御教示いただいた。ピエリシン様蛋白質はモンシロチョウ族のPierina, Aporiina及びAppiadinaに分布していることが明らかとなった。そこで、ピエリシン様活性を有した、オオモンシロチョウ(Pieris brassicae)、スジグロシロチョウ(Pieris melete)およびエゾシロチョウ(Aporia crataegi)よりDNA ADP-リボシル化蛋白質の同定とcDNAクローニングを行い、各々の蛋白質をピエリシン-2、-3及び -4と命名した。ピエリシンに対するアミノ酸配列相同性はピエリシン-2、-3及び -4で、各々91%、93%、64%であった。
ピエリシンの新しい抗がん生物製剤への応用を目指して、DNA ADP-リボシル化活性を有するピエリシンのN末端領域のみをがん細胞で高発現させる系を構築し、抗がん活性を検討した。すなわち、多くのがん細胞で高発現しているメソテリンのプロモーターの下流にピエリシンのN末端領域遺伝子を持つプラスミドを作製し、ヒト膵臓がん細胞株及びヒト正常膵臓細胞株にトランスフェクションを行った。その結果、ピエリシンのN末端領域遺伝子を有するプラスミドをトランスフェクションすると、膵臓がん細胞においてアポトーシスが観察された。一方、正常細胞では細胞死は認められなかった。現在、担がんモデルマウスにこのプラスミドを投与して、抗腫瘍活性を検討している。
Academic Achievement
The metamorphosis of insects is a really mysterious phenomenon associated with a highly organized procedure of rapid cell death and novel morphogenesis. Starting with a deep interest in this phenomenon, Dr. Wakabayashi and his group discovered a substance in the 5th instar larvae and pupae of the cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae, which exhibited strong apoptosis-inducing activity in human gastric cancer (TMK-1) cells. The active component was a moderately-stable protein with a molecular mass of 100 kDa. This cytotoxic protein was named "pierisin" according to the taxonomical name for cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae. The amount of pierisin in the pupae of P. rapae was about 1% of the total fluid protein.
Pierisin exhibited potent cytotoxic effects against various types of human cancer cell lines, such as human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) cells and TMK-1 cells, with IC50 values of less than 1 ng/mL. Among eukaryote, pierisin is a unique ADP-ribosylating toxin that comprises an N-terminal enzymatic-activity domain and a C-terminal receptor-binding domain. The acceptor molecule for ADP-ribosylation is N2 amino groups of guanine bases in DNA, but not a protein as is the case with any other ADP-ribosylating toxins. Two neutral glycosphingolipids, Gb3 and Gb4, were identified as receptor molecules for pierisin. Pierisin induces apoptosis via a mitochondrial pathway involving Bcl-2 and caspases in mammalian cells. Moreover, this protein induces mutation of the HPRT gene in Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cells below the growth inhibitory concentration.
Pierisin is mainly distributed in fat bodies in larvae. The levels of pierisin protein reached maximum during pupation, and then dramatically decreased during the pupal stage. Thus, pierisin may play important roles in induction of apoptosis to remove larval cells during metamorphosis of Pieris rapae. Another possibility is that the strong cytotoxicity might be effective as a protective agent to kill natural enemies, such as parasitic wasps.
By a kind suggestion of His Imperial Highness Prince Hitachi, Dr. Wakabayashi and his group were fortunate to notice an article for classification of family Pieridae. Pierisin-like proteins were found to be distributed in subtribes Pierina, Aporiina and Appiadina. Three pierisin-like proteins were identified: pierisin-2 from Pierisi brassicae, pierisin-3 from Pieris melete and pierisin-4 from Aporia crataegi. Their nucleotide sequences encode an 850-, 850- and 858-amino acid protein, and deduced amino acid sequences show 91%, 93% and 64% identity toward pierisin, respectively.
To investigate if cancer therapy with pierisin was possible, his group planned to construct the expression system for the pierisin, with DNA ADP-ribosylating activity, specifically in tumors. Mesothelin (MSLN) is candidate target protein shown to be specifically overexpressed in various cancers and not in the adjacent normal tissues. Plasmid vectors to express piersin N-terminal region were designed under the regulation of the MSLN promoter. These plasmids were transfected in pancreatic cancer cell lines, AsPC-1 and BxPC-3 and a normal pancreas cell line HPDE6, using polyethylenimine. As the result, only pancreatic cancer cell lines showed apoptotic cell death. The efficacy of this therapeutic strategy in tumor-bearing mouse model is now under investigation.
Since pierisins are found in only 3 subtribes belonging to the tribe Pierini, there may be many other substances with apoptosis-inducing activity similar to pierisins in other butterfly species and insects undergoing metamorphosis. Thus the study carried out by Dr. Wakabayashi and his colleagues has expanded the scope of research on phylogenesis and also on biological anticancer drugs, and is praised as a special harvest in the broader sense of comparative oncology.