Akiko Takahashi
Cellular Senescence
Cellular senescence is the state of irreversible cell cycle arrest provoked by a variety of potentially oncogenic stimuli. Cellular senescence appears to be acting as a barrier to cancer, preventing damaged cells from undergoing aberrant proliferation. On the other hand, it has been proven that senescent cells are accumulating during aging process throughout living body and secrete many inflammatory protei
ns into the surrounding extracellular fluid. This phenomenon is called senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), suggesting that SASP factors promote some age-associated diseases such as chronic inflammation and cancer. We have tried to reveal the molecular mechanisms why SASP factor gene expressions are upregulated in senescent cells. In our laboratory, we are aiming to understand the molecular mechanisms of cellular senescence and SASP. Our research will provide valuable new insights into the development of age-associated pathology including cancer and provide us new possibilities of its control.