
ホーム >>  Activities of the UICC-Asia Regional Office(UICC−ARO)

Activities of the UICC-Asia Regional Office(UICC−ARO)

The UICC-ARO represents the UICC in Asia.  Currently it undertakes the following activities.

  1. Publishes the bimonthly Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP).
  2. Supports the biennial Asian Pacific Cancer Congress (APCC) and assemblies of the Asian Pacific Organization of Cancer Prevention (APOCP) promoting visibility of UICC activities through dedicated sessions and events.
  3. Actively promotes the UICC World Cancer Congress in Asia, seeking travel grant funding to facilitate participation from Asia.
  4. Supports local cancer organizations for cancer prevention and patient care within the framework of the strategic activities and global campaigns of UICC.
  5. Recruits UICC member organizations in Asia.