


【がん研セミナー(6月12日)のお知らせ「New insights into mitotic chromosome assembly and structure」Professor William C. Earnshaw (Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)】




演題:New insights into mitotic chromosome assembly and structure


演者:Professor William C. Earnshaw (Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)


抄録:The discovery of mitotic chromosomes by Flemming in 1882 raised a major question in Cell Biology that remains unanswered over one hundred years later: How does the interphase nucleus transform itself into the thread-like mitotic chromosomes that segregate the genome in mitosis?  I will present work from our lab and those of our collaborators suggesting that mitotic chromosome formation involves two processes; compaction of the chromatin, and a functionally distinct architectural remodeling that disassembles the structure of the interphase nucleus and causes a helical transformation that results in the formation of individual chromatids. I will also describe recent work from our group that yielded the very surprising finding that only about 60-70 percent of the mass of mitotic chromosomes is made up of chromatin. A significant fraction - possibly up to 40% - of the volume of mitotic chromosomes is comprised of a mysterious and highly complex layer that surrounds the chromatin. This chromosome periphery compartment helps to keep chromosomes separate in mitosis and has an important role in efficient reactivation of the nucleoli after mitosis.


日時:2017年 6月 12日(月)13:00〜14:00




連絡先:斉藤 典子(内線5474)



