





がん化学療法センター, 所長室 客員研究員


〒135-8550 江東区有明3-8-31
Mail:yoshimx@ jfcr.or.jp


1961年 3月 富山大学薬学部卒業
1967年 3月 東京大学大学院薬学系博士課程修了
 4月 東京大学薬学部 助手
1969年 4月 英国MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK客員研究員
1975年 7月 (財)癌研究会癌研究所ウイルス腫瘍部 研究員、主任研究員、部長歴任
1989年 9月 東京大学医科学研究所 教授
1996年 4月 同研究所 所長
1999年 3月 同研究所 定年により退官、東京大学名誉教授
 4月 萬有製薬株式会社 常務取締役 つくば研究所所長
2005年 10月 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 客員教授
2009年 9月 財団法人癌研究会 癌化学療法センター 所長
2011年4月(公財)がん研究会 理事&研究本部 副本部長(兼務)
2015年6月(公財)がん研究会 がん化学療法センター 顧問
2022年4月(公財)がん研究会 がん化学療法センター 客員研究員




・日本癌学会   名誉会員
・日本生化学会  評議員
・日本分子生物学会 元評議員、年会長
・日本ウイルス学会 元理事
・Oncogene誌  Associate Editor
・AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses誌 Editorial Board Member


1984年 2月 高松宮妃癌研究基金学術賞受賞
1985年 11月 武田医学賞受賞
1987年 1月 朝日賞受賞
1999年 9月 日本癌学会学術賞 吉田富三賞受賞
2000年 11月 紫綬褒章授章






また、トリ赤芽球症ウイルス(AEV)が、A、Bの2つのがん原生遺伝子を持つこと(後にerbA、erbBとして同定された)、マウス赤芽球症ウイルス複合体(F-MLV)の中、病原性を担うSpleen Focus Forming Virus (SFFV)が糖タンパクgp55をコードする遺伝子を持つこと、などを明らかにした。


Related to HTLV-1

1.Molecular approach to human leukemia: Isolation and characterization of the first human retrovirus HTLV-1 and its impact on tumorigenesis in Adult T-cell Leukemia. Yoshida M. Proc. Japan Academy, Series B. 86, 117-130 (2010).

2.Discovery of HTLV-1, the first human retrovirus; its unique regulatory mechanisms and insights into pathogenesis. Yoshida M. Oncogene. 24, 5931-5937 (2005). 

3.Multiple viral strategies of HTLV-1 for dysregulation of cell growth control. Yoshida M. Ann Rev Immunol. 19, 475-496 (2001).

4.Tax oncoprotein of HTLV-1 binds to the human homologue of Drosophila discs large tumor suppressor protein, hDLG, and perturbs its function in cell growth control. Suzuki, T., Ohsugi, Y., Uchida-Toita, M., Akiyama, M. and Yoshida, M. Oncogene, 18, 5967-5972 (1999).

5.Tax protein of HTLV-1 inhibits CBP/p300-mediated transcription by interfering with recruitment of CBP/p300 onto DNA element of E-box or p53 binding site. Suzuki, T., Kitao,S. Matsushime, H. and Yoshida, M. Oncogene, 18, 4137-4143 (1999).

6.Trans-activator Tax of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) enhances mutation frequency of the cellular genome. Miyake, H., Suzuki, T., Hirai, H. and Yoshida, M. Virology, 253, 155-161 (1998).

7.HTLV-1 Tax protein interacts with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16INK4A and counteracts its inhibitory activity towards CDK4. Suzuki, T., Kitao, S., Matsushime, H. and Yoshida M. EMBO J., 15, 1607-1614 (1996).

8.HTLV-1 oncoprotein tax and cellular transcription factors. Yoshida, M., Suzuki, T., Fujisawa J. and Hirai, H. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol., 193, 79-89 (1995).

9.Tax protein of HTLV-1 destabilizes the complexes of NF-B and IB- and induces nuclear translocation of NF-B for transcriptional activation. Suzuki, T., Hirai. H., Murakami, T. and Yoshida, M. Oncogene, 10, 1199-1207 (1995).

10.Human T-cell leukemia viruses. Yoshida, M. Encyclopedia of Virology, 2, 682-686 (1994).

11.Tax protein of human T-cell leukemia virus type I binds to the ankyrin motifs of inhibitory factor B and induces nuclear translocation of transcription factor NF-B proteins for transcriptional activation. Hirai, H., Suzuki, T., Fujisawa, J., Inoue, J. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 91, 3584-3588 (1994).

12.The trans-activator Tax of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) interacts with cAMP-responsive element (CRE) binding and CRE modulator proteins that bind to the 21-base-pair enhancer of HTLV-1. Suzuki, T., Fujisawa, J., Toita, M. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 610-614 (1993).

13.Overlap of the p53-responsive element and cAMP-responsive element in the enhancer of human T-cell leukemia virus type I. Aoyama, N., Nagase, T., Sawazaki, T., Mizuguchi, G., Nakagoshi, H., Fujisawa, J., Yoshida, M. and Ishii, S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 89, 5403-5407, (1992).

14.Transcriptional activator Tax of HTLV-1 binds to the NF-B precursor p105. Hirai, H., Fujisawa, J., Suzuki, T., Ueda, K., Muramatsu, M., Tsuboi A., Arai, N. and Yoshida, M. Oncogene,  7, 1737-1742, (1992).

15.HTLV-1 Rex protein accumulates unspliced RNA in the nucleus as well as in cytoplasm. Inoue, J., Itoh, M., Akizawa, T., Toyoshima, H. and Yoshida, M. Oncogene, 6, 1753-1757 (1991). 

16.Increased replication of HTLV-I in HTLV-I-associated myelopathy. Yoshida, M., Osame, M., Kawai, H., Toita, M., Kuwasaki, N., Nishida, Y., Hiraki, Y., Takahashi, K., Nomura K., Sonoda, S., Eiraku, N., Ijichi, S. and Usuku, K. Ann. Neurol., 26, 331-335 (1989).

17.Two cis-acting elements responsible for post-transcriptional trans-regulation of gene expression of human T cell leukemia virus type I. Seiki, M., Inoue, J., Hidaka, M. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 85, 7124-7128 (1988).

18.Post-transcriptional regulator (rex) of HTLV-1 initiates expression of Viral structural proteins but suppresses expression of regulatory proteins. Hidaka, M., Inoue, J., Yoshida, M. and Seiki, M. EMBO J., 7, 519-523 (1988).

19.Viruses detected in HTLV-1-associated myelopathy and adult T-cell leukemia are identical in DNA blotting. Yoshida, M., Osame, M., Matsumoto, M. and Igata, A. LANCET, May 9, 1987, 1085-1086 (1987).

20.Transcriptional (p40x) and post-transcriptional (p27x-III) regulator are required for the expression and replication of human T-cell leukemia virus type I genes. Inoue, J., Yoshida, M. and Seiki, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 84, 3653-3657 (1987).

21.Recent advances in molecular biology of HTLV-1: trans-activation of viral and cellular genes. Yoshida, M. and Seiki, M. Ann. Rev. Immunol., 5, 541-559 (1987).

22.Evidence for aberrant activation of the interleukin-2 autocrine loop by HTLV-1-encoded p40x and T3/Ti complex triggering. Maruyama, M., Shibuya, H., Harada, H., Hatakeyama, M., Seiki, M., Fujita, T., Inoue, J., Yoshida, M. and Taniguchi, T. Cell, 48, 343-350 (1987).

23.Induction of interleukin 2 receptor gene expression by p40x encoded by human T-cell leukemia virus type 1. Inoue, J., Seiki, M., Taniguchi, T., Tsuru, S. and Yoshida, M. EMBO J., 5, 2883-2888 (1986).

24.The second pX product p27x-III of HTLV-1 is required for gag gene expression. Inoue, J., Seiki, M. and Yoshida, M. FEBS., 209, 187-190 (1986).

25.A single species of pX mRNA of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 encodes trans-activator p40x and two other phosphoproteins. Nagashima, K., Yoshida, M. and Seiki, M. J. Virol., 60, 394-399 (1986).

26.Direct evidence that p40x of human T-cell leukemia virus type I is a trans-acting transcriptional activator. Seiki, M., Inoue, J., Takeda, T. and Yoshida, M. EMBO J., 5, 561-565 (1986).

27.p27x-III and p21x-III, proteins encoded by the pX sequence of human T-cell leukemia virus type I. Kiyokawa, T., Seiki, M., Iwashita, S., Imagawa, K., Shimizu, F. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, 8359-8363 (1985).

28.Functional activation of long terminal repeat of human T-cell leukemia virus type I by trans-acting factor. Fujisawa, J., Seiki, M., Kiyokawa, T. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, 2277-2281 (1985).

29.Expression of the pX gene of HTLV-1: General splicing mechanism in the HTLV family. Seiki M., Hikikoshi, A., Taniguchi, T. and Yoshida, M. Science, 228, 1532-1534 (1985).

30.Envelope proteins of human T-cell leukemia virus: Expression in Escherichia coli and its application to studies of env genes functions. Kiyokawa, T., Yoshikura, H., Hattori, S., Seiki, M. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81, 6202-6206 (1984).

31.Identification of a protein (p40x) encoded by a unique sequence pX of human T-cell leukemia virus type I. Kiyokawa, T., Seiki, M., Imagawa, K., Shimizu, F. and Yoshida, M. Gann, 75, 747-751 (1984).

32.Nonspecific integration of the HTLV provirus genome into adult T-cell leukemia cells. Seiki, M., Eddy, R., Shows, T.B. and Yoshida, M. Nature, 309, 640-642 (1984).

33.Monoclonal integration of human T-cell leukemia provirus in all primary tumors of adult T-cell leukemia suggests causative role of human T-cell leukemia virus in the disease. Yoshida, M., Seiki, M., Yamaguchi, K. and Takatsuki, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81, 2543-2537 (1984).

34.HTLV type I (US isolate) and ATLV (Japanese isolate) are the same species of human retrovirus. Watanabe, T., Seiki, M. and Yoshida, M. Virol., 133, 238-241 (1984).

35.Retrovirus terminology. Watanabe, T., Seiki, M. and Yoshida, M. Science, 222, 1178 (1983).

36.Human adult T-cell leukemia virus: Complete nucleotide sequence of the provirus genome integrated in leukemia cell DNA. Seiki, M., Hattori, S., Hirayama, Y. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 80, 3618-3622 (1983).

37.Human adult T-cell leukemia virus: Molecular cloning of the provirus DNA and the unique terminal structure. Seiki, M., Hattori, S. and Yoshida, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 79, 6899-6902 (1982).

38.Isolation and characterization of retrovirus from cell lines of human adult T-cell leukemia and its implication in the disease. Yoshida, M., Miyoshi, I. and Hinuma, Y. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 79, 2031-2035 (1982).

39.Isolation and characterization of retrovirus (ATLV) and its association with adult T-cell leukemia. Yoshida, M., Miyoshi, I. and Hinuma, Y. Gann, Monograph on Cancer Research, 28, 229-237 (1982).

Related to yes and other oncogenes

40.Avian sarcoma virus Y73 genome sequence and structural similarity of its transforming gene product to that of Rous sarcoma virus. Kitamura, N., Kitamura, A., Toyoshima, K., Hirayama, Y. and Yoshida, M. Nature, 297, 205-208 (1982).

41.Uninfected avian cells contain structurally unrelated progenitors of viral sarcoma genes. Yoshida, M., Kawai, S. and Toyoshima, K. Nature, 287, 633-654 (1980).

42.Characterization of Y73, an avian sarcoma virus: A unique transforming gene and its product, phosphopolyprotein with protein kinase activity. Kawai, S., Yoshida, M., Segawa, K., Sugiyama, H., Ishizaki, R. and Toyoshima, K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 77, 6199-6203 (1980).

43.Analysis of spleen focus-forming virus-specific RNA sequences coding for spleen focus-forming virus-specific glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 55,000 (gp55). Yoshida, M. and Yoshikura, H. J. Virol., 33, 587-596 (1980).

44.In vitro translation of avian erythroblastosis virus RNA: Identification of two major polypeptides. Yoshida, M. and Toyoshima, K. Virol., 100, 484-487 (1980).

45.Strain specificity of changes in adenylate cyclase activity in cells transformed by avian sarcoma viruses. Yoshida, M., Owada, M. and Toyoshima, K. Virol., 60, 68-76 (1975).
