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【第34回先端研究セミナー(7月31日)のお知らせ「Understanding unconventional kinetochores」秋吉 文悟 博士 (University of Oxford, Department of Biochemistry)】




演題:Understanding unconventional kinetochores


演者:秋吉 文悟 博士 (University of Oxford, Department of Biochemistry)



The kinetochore is the macromolecular protein complex that drives chromosome segregation in eukaryotes. It has been widely assumed that the core kinetochore consists of proteins that are common to all eukaryotes. However, no conventional kinetochore components have been identified in any kinetoplastid genome, thus challenging this assumption of universality. We recently identified 19 kinetochore proteins in Trypanosoma brucei, an experimentally-tractable kinetoplastid parasite. The majority are conserved among kinetoplastids, but none of them has detectable homology to conventional kinetochore proteins. These proteins instead have a variety of features not found in conventional kinetochore proteins, suggesting that kinetoplastids build kinetochores using a distinct set of proteins. We are currently characterizing these 19 kinetochore proteins in vitro and in vivo to understand how they carry out essential kinetochore functions.


日時: 2015年7月31日(金) 11:00〜12:00


場所:研究所 1階セミナー室B


連絡先:広田亨 (内線5251)


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