- Laboratories
- Carcinogenesis
- Analysis of the carcinogenic mechanism using mutagenesis
- Analysis of the carcinogenic mechanism using mutagenesis
- Functional analysis of homeodomain proteins
- Functional analysis of chimeric genes in development of mesenchymal tumor and leukemia
Analysis of the carcinogenic mechanism using mutagenesis
Insertional mutagenesis (IS) using retroviruses and transposons is a powerful tool to analyze the multi-step process of carcinogenesis. Oncogenic retroviruses/transposons are integrated into the host genome to induce cancer either by activating proto-oncogenes or by inactivating tumor suppressor genes. The oncogenes/tumor suppressor genes responsible for tumorigenesis can be identified by using DNAs of mutagens as molecular tags.
We apply IS on analysis of genetic interaction during carcinogenesis. IS on genetically engineered animal models that are predisposed to cancer development is therefore a good method for identification of cooperative genes. Although the major targets of IS used to be hematopoietic neoplasms due to limited potential of retroviruses, introduction of the transposon enabled to analyze mechanisms of solid tumor development.