- Laboratories
- Carcinogenesis
- Functional analysis of chimeric genes in development of mesenchymal tumor and leukemia
- Analysis of the carcinogenic mechanism using mutagenesis
- Functional analysis of homeodomain proteins
- Functional analysis of chimeric genes in development of mesenchymal tumor and leukemia
Functional analysis of chimeric genes in development of mesenchymal tumor and leukemia
One of genetic hallmarks in human hematological and mesenchymal malignancies is genetic chimera due to chromosomal translocation. Although a number of chimeras have been identified in human cancers, there remain important tumor subtypes in which cancer disease genes are to be identified. We have identified NUP98 chimeras in human myeloid malignancies, and CIC-DUX4 and EWS-POU5F1 in mesenchymal tumors. We are investigating the functional role of the chimeras, and further efforts are made to identify novel important chimeras.
Studies of hematopoiesis have provided major insights into the cellular differentiation and pathogenesis of hematological malignancies. On the other hand, it remains to be clarified how BSPS develops from mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells (MSCs). To clarify pathogenesis of BSPS we attempt to introduce oncogenic transcription factors into MSCs. We expect that these studies will re-capitulate the carcinogenic process of BSPS, and that the role of tissue stem cells in solid tumor will be clarified.