




演題:Three-dimensional chromatin structure in quiescence (G0)


演者:Dr. Toshio Tsukiyama (Professor and Associate Director, Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, USA) 


抄録:Quiescence is a highly conserved state in which cells reversibly exit from the mitotic cell cycle and stay undivided for long-term survival.  Eukaryotic cells from yeast to humans have the ability to enter quiescence. Unicellular organisms such as budding yeast (hereafter yeast) can enter a quiescent state when faced with starvation. In metazoan organisms, certain cell types (e.g., stem cells, fibroblasts, and oocyte cells) can enter a quiescent state. Moreover, fungal pathogens become quiescence to evade anti-fungal drugs. Similarly, certain cancer cells can enter quiescence to survive chemotherapy, contributing to cancer recurrence. Therefore, understanding the molecular basis for quiescence is crucial for broad areas of both basic biology and medicine. 

One of the conserved features of some quiescence cell types is condensation of the chromatin structure. However, regulatory mechanisms of chromatin structure and its biological functions remain to be elucidated. In last several years, we have investigated mechanisms and functions for chromatin condensation in quiescence, and discovered two complemental mechanisms: One is mediated by condensin and another by histone H4 N-terminal tail. Recently, using super-resolution (STED) microscope, we found that the ribosome DNA (rDNA) locus forms a quiescence-specific three dimensional (3D) structure. I will present summary of previous work on 3D chromatin structure in quiescence, as well as our latest findings on mechanisms and functions of quiescence-specific rDNA 3D chromatin structure. At the end, I will discuss our ongoing work and future directions. 


日時:2024年8月1日(木) 16:00 開始

