- Laboratories
- Pathology
- Projects
- Studies by Breast Group
- Histological criteria for effectiveness of chemo- and radio-therapy for gastrointestinal tumors
- Study of premalignant and in-situ carcinoma for Bile-duct and pancreas group
- Histopathological study towards selection of treatment modalities and outcome prediction in head and neck cancer
- Studies by Breast Group
- Hepatocarcinogenesis using experimental liver cancer models
- Pathological studies for gynecological malignancies
- Diagnostic and etiologic studies for lung cancers
- Clinicopathological studies with aids of chromosome analysis for genitourinary cancers
- Pathological and molecular studies for bone and soft tissue tumors
- Pathological and molecular studies for hematological neoplasms
Studies by Breast Group
Breast Group
Members: Drs. F. Akiyama, R. Horii, T. Osako
The breast tumor group supports pathologically the activities of Department of Breast Surgery of the Cancer Institute Hospital, where nearly 1,000 cases of breast cancers are operated annually. Breast diseases are one of the most difficult conditions in terms of pathological diagnosis on whether a lesion is benign or malignant. We perform pathological diagnosis of biopsies, surgical margins and sentinel lymph nodes during surgical procedures. For appropriate choice of treatment after surgery, (1) we examine partially resected materials thoroughly because adjuvant irradiation can be avoided for cases without tumor spread at surgical margins, (2) we classify tumors according to malignancy grade and (3) analyze immunoreactivity of tumors to hormone receptors so as to diagnose tumors from the viewpoint of therapy sensitivity.
Research activities: we analyzed relationships between pathological diagnosis and treatment results of numerous surgical materials. Also, we aim at establishment of tailor-made medicine, such as choosing most appropriate chemothepeutic agents, by close examination of needle biopsy materials taken before neoadjuvant chemotherapy.