- Laboratories
- Pathology
- Projects
- Clinicopathological studies with aids of chromosome analysis for genitourinary cancers
- Histological criteria for effectiveness of chemo- and radio-therapy for gastrointestinal tumors
- Study of premalignant and in-situ carcinoma for Bile-duct and pancreas group
- Histopathological study towardsselection of treatment modalitiesand outcome prediction in head and neck cancer
- Studies by Breast Group
- Hepatocarcinogenesis using experimental liver cancer models
- Pathological studies for gynecological malignancies
- Diagnostic and etiologic studies for lung cancers
- Clinicopathological studies with aids of chromosome analysis for genitourinary cancers
- Pathological and molecular studies for bone and soft tissue tumors
- Pathological and molecular studies for hematological neoplasms
Clinicopathological studies with aids of chromosome analysis for genitourinary cancers
The urological tumor group works with kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, testis, prostate and penis and diagnose nearly 200 surgically-resected tumors as well as biopsy and TUR materials.
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is diagnosed recently based on a new classification; papillary and chromophobe RCCs have been introduced, resulting in a better genotype-phenotype relationship. Together with Department of Urology, Cancer Institute Hospital (CIH), we analyze chromosome aberrations of many RCC cases and contribute to final diagnosis and further molecular research.
Significant percentages of urinary bladder tumors are in an early stage, so treated by TUR. We examine them closely and contribute to improvement of 5-year survival of this tumor. We have also conducted a chromosome aberration study, collaborated with Dr. Mutsunori Fujiwara, Head of Department of Clinical Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Medical Center) regarding relationships between chromosomal aberrations and histological grades, and further, etiological implications such as smoking for bladder carcinogenesis.
Prostate cancers are increasing rapidly in Japan and it is imminent to establish systems of proper diagnosis and treatment. Department of Urology, CIH, is carrying out the 26-point needle biopsy, an extremely sensitive method for tumor detection. We diagnose them at an expert level by considering the Gleason grading, Gleason scores, WHO classifications, differentiation-grade judgment, invasiveness analysis including perineural and lymphatic invasion and description of tumor amounts in each needle material. Atypical glands are examined closely using high-molecular-weight keratin (34 beta) and p63 staining. Also we analyze nearly 100 cases of total prostatectomy materials annually by using complete sectioning of prostates and compare them with biopsy materials.
Pathologically we fully support urologists who write case reports.
Publication list:
- Ishii, N., Yonese, J., Tsukamoto, T., Maezawa, T., Ishikawa, Y. and Fukui, I. (2001) Retroperitoneal cystic metastasis from a small clear cell renal carcinoma. Int J Urol, 8, 637-639.
- Kitsukawa, S.I., Kin, T., Tsukamoto, T., Yonese, J., Ishikawa, Y. and Fukui, I. (2000) Extragonadal germ cell tumor of mediastinum with high serum level of carcinoembryonic antigen and carbohydrate antigen 19-9. J Urol, 163, 912-913.
- Kin T, Tsukamoto J, Yonese J, Ishikawa Y, Fukui I. (2000) Adenosquamous carcinoma of the prostate with elevated serum parathyroid hormone-related protein and squamous cell carcinoma antigen. BJU Int, 86, 1-2.
- Maeda, Y., Izutani, T., Yonese, J., Ishikawa, Y. and Fukui, I. (1998) Pyogenic granuloma of the glans penis. Br J Urol, 82, 771-772.
- Yoshimura, K., Fukui, I., Ishikawa, Y., Maeda, H., Yamauchi, T. and Kawai, T. (1996) Locally-confined signet-ring cell carcinoma of the prostate: a case report of a long-term survivor. Int J Urol, 3, 406-407.